Author Final Submission Information

Authors of submitted papers have been notified of a decision on their paper on February 7, 2014. Thank you for submitting! The following information is provided to assist accepted authors in the preparation of their papers. Additional information will be posted as it becomes available. Thanks to CRFID for making Student Travel Grant funds available to support deserving student paper authors.

Submission Information for Authors of Accepted Papers

Final publication-ready versions of accepted papers must be uploaded to EDAS no later than 23:59 EST March 3, 2014.  Late submissions cannot be accepted.

The following guidelines will assist authors of accepted papers in the final submission process:

  1. Revise manuscript based on the reviews received.
  2. Please ensure the following EDAS instructions are followed:
    1. Do not include page numbers
    2. Do not include headers or footers
    3. Provide top and bottom margins of at least 0.5 inches
    4. The final version of a paper must be submitted in PDF format.
  3. Use the (free) IEEE PDF eXpress service to perform all verification checks. This ensures the final PDF version of your paper is compatible with IEEE Xplore®.
    1. See instructions at bottom of page.
  4. Register for the conference.
    1. See information posted on the Registration page on this site.
    2. Please recall the registration policy: To be published in the IEEE RFID 2014 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate, and must present the paper at the conference. Registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to two papers.
    3. Upon completion of a paid registration, an email message with the confirmation ID# will be sent to the registrant. This 4-digit confirmation ID# must be entered into EDAS during the uploading process below.
  5. Upload the final, camera-ready version of your paper in (certified by IEEE PDF eXpress) to EDAS. 
    1. Login to EDAS:
    2. Click on “upload” beside your paper.  On the next page, click on “upload or fill out copyright form” hyperlink at the bottom of the page.  This redirects you to the IEEE eCopyright website.
    3. Proceed to the IEEE eCopyright site, answer the questions, complete the form, and “submit”.
    4. Return to EDAS (a copyright symbol – © – should now appear next to the paper title).
    5. Click on “upload” beside your paper.
    6. Enter the 6-digit registration confirmation ID#.
    7. Check the box acknowledging the IEEE policy on plagiarism.
    8. Click browse and navigate to the PDF file processed by IEEE PDF eXpress that you saved on your computer.
    9. Click “submit”.
    10. Verify that the PDF in EDAS is the file that was uploaded.

Should you have any questions during this process, please contact

IEEE PDF eXpress for IEEE RFID 2014 Authors

IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service for IEEE RFID 2014 conference authors, enabling them to create IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs or to check PDFs created elsewhere for IEEE Xplore compatibility.  Final papers must be in IEEE Xplore-compatible format for publication.

Access the IEEE PDF eXpress Website

Web site URL:

First time users

  1. Click the “New Users – Click here” link
  2. Enter 32820X for the Conference ID, your e-mail address, and choose a new password.  Continue to enter information as prompted.
  3. Check that the contact information is still valid, and click “Submit”.

An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.

Previous users  – using PDF eXpress for the first time for IEEE RFID 2014

  1. Enter 32820X for the Conference ID, your e-mail address, and enter the password used for your old account.
  2. When you click “Login”, you will receive an error saying you need to set up an account.  Simply click “Continue”.  By entering your previously used e-mail address and password combination, you will enable your old account for access to the IEEE RFID 2014 conference.
  3. Enter 32820X for the Conference ID, e-mail address, and password.

Returning users

  1. Enter 32820X for the Conference ID, e-mail address, and password.

Using the IEEE PDF eXpress Website

Preparing source files for conversion to PDF

See the instructions for preparing source files at

Submitting a file for PDF check

  1. For each conference paper, click “Create New Title”
  2. Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required)
  3. Click “Submit File for Checking or Converting”
  4. Click “Browse” and navigate to file, and click “Upload File”.  You will receive online and e-mail confirmation of successful upload.
  5. You will receive an e-mail with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress converted PDF attached.  If you submitted a PDF for checking, the e-mail will show if your file passed or failed.

When the PDF check passes

When the PDF file passes the PDF check and you are satisfied with your file, you can submit your paper according to the instructions provided at The file returned by the PDF check will be labeled within its document properties as being “Certified by IEEE PDF eXpress” with an exact date and time stamp. The certified file is the file that you should submit.

When the PDF check fails

If the submitted file fails the PDF check, you should read the PDF Check Report, make corrections, and re-submit the file.  You can click the “get solutions” link on your account home page to get a detailed explanation of the possible report responses and instructions on fixing them.  The same information can be found at  You can also request technical help through your account home page.